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Welcome to Collide
A humble website dedicated to the pairing of Inspector Finch (Stephen Rea) & Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman), two characters from the graphic novel and movie 'V for Vendetta'+ News & Updates +
May 15, 2006

A music video set to the tune of "Collide" by Howie Day ~
It chronicles Finch and Evey's "connectedness" in the movie, and shows that despite they're differences, they are two characters that are just plainly "meant to be" (i particularly like the part in the video where he's chasing her ;)) ~
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it :D!
As for the song, it had always been one of my inspirations for the F+E pairing (hence, the namesake for this site) ^_^!
It just suits them well without being too overly sweet and obvious.
And now, on to our video :D!
[ Finch and Evey music video - Collide ]
May 12, 2006
YES!!! The
IMAGES/SCREEN CAPS page is now up with high-quality screen caps from the movie :D! Enjoy ^_^!!! (And yeah...Finch looks sooo adorable when he's sleeping #^_^#)
May 08, 2006
NEW Fan art in the
Fan Art Page :D!!!
Thanks to wiccanslyr for letting me post the photo manips below :)!
May 08, 2006
Added the Finch Page and Images!
The site finally has its own page dedicated to Inspector Eric Finch :)!
'Coz he's cool and he deserves one ;)! And we all know we love 'im!
May 06, 2006
Wow! We're up :D!
Inspired by all the Finch fics, finch-luvvin', and Finch/Evey shippings going on in livejournal, I decided to put up this website, dedicated solely to the Finch & Evey pairing :)!
Why? Because they're just about right for each other, that's why!
+ Fan Fiction +
Fan fictions that involve the Finch & Evey pairing, or Finch and/or Evey in general as main characters.
Fanfics are arranged by title.
+ Links +
Disclaimer: I do not own Finch, Evey, or V for Vendetta.
You may contact me through my personal website: Gabe E. or my email gabe_gce at yahoo.com