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+ Finch + Evey = One True Pair +

I guess it's pretty obvious that i ADORE the Finch and Evey pairing.

It's just that THEY ARE SO RIGHT for each other in a way that they compliment one another and have gone through the same long and hard road to be where they were by the end of the 'V for Vendetta' film. IMHO, the film's main characters were really Finch and Evey, with V acting as a catalyst to bring them together and make them grow as characters. I also loved the scene where they were standing side-by-side...Watching in awe as the Parliament explodes into smithereens. It was the dawn of a new country, and a beginning for the both of them.

In a deeper sense, they understand the other's deeper person. They have a deep sense of what the other is/was like. And to add to that, they're connected by V. Finch was after V, and Evey was working alongside V. Finch and Evey were the opposite sides of the same coin. And in the end, they realized that despite the different paths they took, they were yearning for the same goal...Truth, freedom, and justice for their country's people.

I also like Finch's character in general. Despite the government he worked for, he still had a sense of morality and righteousness, which led him to uncovering the truth in the end. And I think that's just the kind of man Evey needs...Someone strong and just and dedicated to what is right.

Finch + Evey shippers also finds Finch's prediction of the future significant to the pairing. In a 'blink and miss it' scene, we see a brief glimpse of the future through Finch's eyes...And there we see him and Evey living a peaceful and domestic life. Evey is tending to some flowers in the living room, while Finch is sitting back, drinking coffee (or so i think it's coffee).

So there you go.
Finch and Evey truly is V for Vendetta's ONE TRUE PAIR :D!

Disclaimer: I do not own Finch, Evey, or V for Vendetta.
You may contact me through my personal website: Gabe E. or my email gabe_gce at yahoo.com