ConQuest KC 2017 – May 27

ConQuest KC 2017 pics and a video :D! Great seeing my fellow ConQuesters again ^_^! It was my 3rd year attending, but first time really checking out the Room Partays :D!!!

SHOUT-OUTS TO: Joe Russo (I should have taken a pic of your shirt, haha :P); John Schlossman (wtf that anime where hungry college students fight for food aka bento? LMAO); the usual wonderful Stutzman crew: Patrick (I need to get into your “Alone…Anna Foster” series!), Michelle (Kikyo!!!) and Rebecca, Earlene B aka Cricket (girl, some of those short films creeped me out for days, LOL); Brendan B (thank you for your anime panels :)! Fate/Zero has shot to the top of my list of anime to watch); Andrea (aka Lord Beerus! You were Lord Beerus at Planet Comicon KC! Haha!); Robin (omg, Robin, I feel derp, when you mentioned the Blame! anime I said apostrophe, but it’s clearly an exclamation mark, lol. As for other Netflix anime, gosh that Castlevania is so gooooood); Tom M (you, Joe and I chatted at the Con Suite about your very interesting train hobby and past adventures :)); the beautiful gal with the yellow dress I met on the way out of the comic book party (I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name but you looked wonderful, dahling); all cosplayers & cosplay director Amy J Miller (you were awesome at Sausomecon 2017 too), you guys rock, and an inspiration to the rest of us to cosplay at ConQuest 2018 :D!

Panels attended: Young Fans Discuss Anime (Brendan and Earlene Beebe) – at 30+, I’m still young, right? LOL! What Shall We Do Tonight, Brain? (Patrick Stutzman, Julia Mandala, Brooke Johnson, Jim Yelton); Masquerade (Amy J Miller and the lovely Poison Ivy cosplayer host ^_^); Film Festival (Earlene B) — waaah, some of them were too scary for me, lol).

Speaking of costumes, darn I wish I got a photo of the FREAKIN AWESOME Captain Hook cosplay!!! So amazing! And as far as I know, he was the artist for the ‘babes…’ magazine/book covers too. Your costume and artwork are amazing, sir! *bow*

Clearly Guilty, I was only able to catch a bit of your show at ConQuest, but I’m happy that I was able to meet you at your booth in Maker Faire KC :D! (I need to get my Maker Faire KC pics and video/s online too!)

Anyhoo, I’m posting all this a little late, as it’s now mid-August and the event was a few months back, so I may be missing some details and fond mem’ries from ConQuest, but I’m glad to finally get my ConQuest stuff online. Thanks again to the organizers, fellow attendees, participants, exhibitors and panelists for a good show :)!

Related links:

I have to get my Maker Faire KC 2017 and Sausomecon 2017 stuff up next >_

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