My Count Dooku Collection
Count Dooku Evolution Action Figure
Definitely THE BEST 3.75" Count Dooku action figure to date ;)!
The Count Dooku Evolution figure, at first glance, almost looks like a replica of the first ROTS Dooku figure. But take a closer look, and you'll see that there's more to Evolution Dooku than meets the eye ;)!
The first identifiable variation is that the lower part of Dooku's tunic is made out of cloth. His cape also has two layers of cloth, each with a varying shade of brown. The face sculpt is also better. Unlike ROTS Dooku, Evolution Dooku's face looks more menacing. The ROTS one looked a bit --- er, bored. lol! Hasbro also made the figure worth buying by using a different sculpt for the body. So i believe none of ROTS Dooku's parts were recycled to create Evolution Dooku.
Ah, my favorite feature in Evolution Dooku is the removable hands :D! You can actually replace his hands with 'lightning hands', or recreate the dismemberment scene *cry* in ROTS by taking both his hands off. Heck, you can even pop the head off the Evolutions action figure ;)! Sad, but oh so gooood (in a playable kinda way).
So if you're a Dooku fan, make sure to look for this boxed set and marvel at the Evolution Dooku :D!
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Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Count Dooku or the Star Wars universe. They all belong to Mr. George Lucas :)!