Dark Elegance: A Count Dooku Fan Site
...where the Count of Serenno continues to LIVE :D! YES! HE LIVES!!! (pfft! Anakin just killed a Dooku clone in ROTS :P!).
January 11, 2017
Happy 2017, Count Dooku! And with the New Year comes a new addition to my Count Dooku collection! WOOHOO! YESSSS! I finally, finally have my very own Count Dooku Mighty Muggs ^o^!
I absolutely LOVE this chibi version of Dooku <3! Here are some photos and a review of my Count Dooku Mighty Muggs, and I couldn't resist making a video about him as well!
December 23, 2016
Le Petit Count Dooku wishes you all an awesome Christmas weekend :D!
Trying to be in the shot with my Count Dooku. He doesn’t look very happy to see me :P. He prolly thinks I’m cramping his style.
And last but not the least update for today :D...
I've always been wanting to do this!
A "music video" of Anakin and Obi-Wan chase Count Dooku (on Speeder Bike) to Snoop Dogg's Drop It Like It's Hot. I've always imagined varios background music/songs to this scene and this is one of them ;)! Haha! Enjoy watchin n' listenin' while deese beetches be cruisin!
November 11, 2016
As much as I love having moar Count Dooku (luv) in my life thanks to The Clone Wars, I am not a big fan of how super evil and villainous Dooku is portrayed in the show :(. Like they’ve truly “villainized” him (and The Separatists), made him into the poster boy of the big bad guys club.
I’m in S2 of TCW now and am yet to find an episode that “redeems” him. In addition to being mean all the friggin’ time and not showing any appreciation (at all) to those who serve him, he is also willing to destroy even those species that have nothing to do with the war (like in S1Ep14 “Defenders of Peace”). You’re making me kinda sad here, bae.
It’s like The Clone Wars Count Dooku is more like Count D!ckhead or Count Doucheb@g, ugh. But I guess that’s what happens when you take a dip in the Dark Side x_x. TCW is still a great show though and I still love my Dooku like XO :)! (Even if he’s trying really hard to push my buttons.) He prolly just needs some cuddles.
View this post in my Tumblr (cmdrgabee.tumblr.com)
November 5, 2016
Updated the FanClub page to link to the new theforce.net Star Wars Community Count Dooku FanClub :).
Slight modifications to the Count Dooku page (removed his first name 'Jard', which for some reason, I thought was canon, whoops). Maybe someday we'll learn what his first name really is. Probably 'Hotstuff'. Yeah, 'Hotstuff Dooku' sounds nice and very appropriate. Haha, JK :)!
October 31, 2016
OMG, internet (and visitors, if there are any, lol)! Happy Halloween! Can you believe that it's been more than 14 years now since Attack of the Clones "dropped", and 11-12 years since Revenge of the Sith finale'd the prequels???!!!
That means I was 20 years old when I fell in-love with Count Dooku and darn it, I still love him to bits @_@. I'm 34 years old now, LOL, and he's still my Star Wars "bae"!
Anyway, thought I'd update the site and do a Halloween post :D!
First up is my beloved mini-schnauzer 'Puppy' cosplaying as none other than her daddy, Count Dooku, for Halloween :D!
Many thanks to my super mom for making Puppy the Dooku cape (and for putting up with my weird obsessions, haha!).
Next up, Disney (because, you know, Disney now owns Star Wars, which means that they now kinda own Dooku's cute butt) released, finally, Episode II Tsum Tsums! Below is a little graphic I made of the Count Dooku Tsum Tsum, flying through space and into your hearts where you know he belongs ;)!
Adorbs? Of course he is ;)!
Last but not the least, an "infographic" (more like a meme, I guess, haha) of what it's like to have your brain on Dooku...
Yeap, that would be me.
So...With all the prequels finished, what's left of our beloved Count to see, right? Well 'The Clone Wars', of course! For me, anyway ^_^!
I wasn't able to follow it at all when it was first released on TV (and the 2008 CG film), but I'm catching up now on Netflix with all the episodes there! WOOHOO! So that's awesome! MOAR Count Dooku to chew on, which is always GREAT ;)! As of today, I'm watching Season 1. I finished The Clone Wars film a few days ago and was very pleased with it and Dooku's role in it ;)! Looking forward to more TCW!
Plus...You get to see him in his pajamas...Heeheehee...
Awww, was hoping he slept in just his shorts or boxers (with "CD" monogramed on them, lol ^___^)!
What's up with the very 'rigid' sleeping position though and the lack of a blanket? O_o
Oh well, at least we get to have a peek at his life 'off work'.
Added LOTS of new Dooku FANART in the FANART section :D!
December 10, 2005

Added pictures and review of GALACTIC HEROES Count Dooku in the COLLECTION section :D!
Added Jade Elixyr's AWESOME Dooku-lovin' fanarts in the FANART section ^_~! Thanks for sharing your pics with us, Jade :D! If there's one thing this site'll never get enough of, it's Dooku pics and fanarts ;)!
December 02, 2005

Added pictures and review of EVOLUTION Count Dooku in the COLLECTION section :D!
August 25, 2005

Anywayz, while we're waiting for the rest of this site to materialize from my mind, let's take a break from being good little Jedis, and make fun of the Star Wars universe...
Palpy decides to address his subordinates differently...

George goes to the ROTS shooting while high on crack x.x

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Count Dooku or the Star Wars universe. They all belong to Mr. George Lucas :)!