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Agent Smith Community

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Reloaded Smith Transcript

Smith: I'm looking for Neo.
[door crew 1]: Never heard of him.
Smith: I have something for him. A gift. You see, he set me free.
[door crew 1]: Fine, whatever. Now piss off.

Smith 1: That went as expected.
Smith 2: Yes.
Smith 1: It's happening exactly as before.
Smith 2: Well, not exactly.

Bane: You all right?
Malachi: I'll make it. Did you see that Agent? I've never seen anything like it. Bane: Doesn't matter now. All that matters is this. You first.
Bane: Oh God.
Smith: Smith will suffice.
Bane-Smith: Thank you.
Smith: My pleasure.

Kid: Neo!
Link: Who the hell? Bane?
Neo: Is something wrong?
Bane/Smith: No, I'm fine. I just wanted to catch you to say good luck.
Neo: Thanks.
Bane/Smith: We'll see you.

Smith: Mister Anderson! Did you get my package?
Neo: Yeah.
Smith: Well, good.
Morpheus: Smith.
Link: Whoever it is, he's not reading like an agent.
Smith: Surprised to see me?
Neo: No.
Smith: Then you're aware of it.
Neo: Of what?
Smith: Our connection. I don't fully undestand how it happened. Perhaps some part of you imprinted onto me, something overwritten or copied. That is at this point irrelevant, what matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.
Neo: And what reason is that?
Smith: I kiilled you, Mister Anderson, I watched you die... With a certain satisfaction, I might add, and then something happened. Something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destroyed me, Mister Anderson. Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood what I was supposed to do but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now here I stand because of you, Mister Anderson, because of you I'm no longer an agent of the system, because of you I've changed - I'm unplugged - a new man, so to speak, like you, apparently free.
Neo: Congratulations.
Smith: Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose - because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.
Smith 2: It is purpose that created us,
Smith 3: Purpose that connects us,
Smith 4: Purpose that pulls us,
Smith 5: That guides us,
Smith 6: That drives us,
Smith 7: It is purpose that defines,
Smith 8: Purpose that binds us.
Smith: We're here because of you, Mister Anderson, we're here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose.
Trinity: What's happening to him?
Link: I don't know.
Smith: Yes, that's it, it'll be over soon.

Agent Jackson: You.
Smith: Yes me. Me, me, me!
Agent Jackson/Smith: Me too!

Smith: More.

Smiths: It is inevitable.
Trinity: Come on, get out of there.

Neo: How much further?
Keymaker: Here, just here.
Smith: I'm sorry, this is a dead end.

Smith: you look surprised to see me again, Mr. Anderson, that's the difference between us. I've been expecting you.
Neo: What do you want, Smith?
Smith: Oh you haven't figured that out? Still using all the muscles except the one that matters. I want exactly what you want. I want everything.
Morpheus: Would that include a bullet from this gun?
Smith: Go ahead, shoot. The best thing about being me - there's so many me.

Smith: If you can't beat us, join us.
Neo: Morpheus!

source: Zion MainFrame