Agent Smith Screenshots

Yeah I like him wet! ^_~!
If you want to use any of these pics, it's fine by me ^_^! But it would be great if you could link back to the site, since it did take some effort to capture these pictures ^_^!
The Matrix Reloaded DVD Screenshots (193 hi-res pics ^_^)
The Matrix Revolutions (Pictures from the Matrix' official site as of October 7, 2003 :)).
The Matrix Revisited (added June 6, 2003) - has around 124 smith and agents screen caps ^o^!!!! AAAAAH!!! he's so freaking cute behind the scenes ^_^!!! out for jones and brown "holding hands" ;). LMAO!
MTV Matrix Reloaded Special (added May 29, 2003)
The Matrix (added May 20, 2003) - This has to be the BIGGEST gallery in here so far ^_^!!! 183 pictures within 19 pages of pure, 100% meaty Smith ^_~!
MTV Screen (added May 19, 2003)
Matrix Revolutoins Trailer (added May 19, 2003)
--- more to come ---