Meet Herod, King of the Jews Download hi-quality version
Herod meets Balthazar Download hi-quality version
Jesus is born and Herod is not happy Download hi-quality version
Herod kills his oldest son Download hi-quality version
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A couple of things are worth looking out for here. I think Sam Douglas makes a great Herod, rivalling Peter Ustinov's iconic portrayal in Jesus of Nazareth (dir. J. Franco Zeffirelli, 1977)...And I love Leila Mimmack's Josephus describes the young men as gaining courage from the report of Herod the Great's ill health. The Bible series depicts that bad health in an extraordinary and memorable scene where Sam Douglas as Herod lies bloated and in agony with leaches all over his body. This scene is a great adaptation of the story from Josephus and, as I commented the other day, Sam Douglas's Herod is up there with Peter Ustinov's iconic depiction of Herod in Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth (1977). Here is Douglas: