Paul Eiding
The VOICE of Roy Campbell

It's about time that I created a page for this uberly-talented voice actor. Yeap...he's the one and only Paul known for his voice work for Metal Gear Solid's COL. ROY CAMPBELL (YAAAAAY!!!). Anyway, I LOVE this man's voice. God, he sounds so seXXXy (yeah...three X's #^_^#) as Roy. Hmmm...perhaps his voice was one of the reasons why I fell in love with Campbell's character. Because honestly, without Paul, Col. Campbell would just be a human head on the screen @.@! Lol! Paul's voice made Campbell sound so real, so human, especially in those parts in MGS1 where he conveyed emotion (regarding Meryl, and the mission, and his friendship with SnakeyBoy).
Paul, if you're reading this, I want to marry your voice!!! LMAO!!!Here's some useful information about him and the other voice work he had done in the past ^_^! (Thanks for and Hammid Shahkroni for updating me on Paul's voice work ^_^!)
Also credited as:
- Paul Riding
- Paul Otis
- Paul Ciding
- Paul Elding
- A native of Ohio. (Ohio, here I come! lol!)
- Served in the US military. (I knew it! He is Roy Campbell!)
(Games marked with an asterisk (*) are those that I've played before ^_^!)
- Onimusha 3 (I want to play this game!!! I finished 1 and 2 already!!!)
- Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain
- Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
- Star Trek: Starfleet Command
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance *
- Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
- Bloody Roar Extreme *
- EOE: Eve of Extinction
- Diablo II *
- Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
- Grandia II *
- Escape from Monkey Island *
- Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins *
- Alundra 2 *
- Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions *
- Metral Gear Solid: Integral *
- Starcraft: Brood War
- Starcarft
- Metal Gear Solid *
- Diablo *